2022 aawa regional choice award

In 2019, 10 years after doing hair and makeup part-time, I made the decision to leave my corporate job and focus on doing what I love full-time.

I started KO Beauty 5 months before the world shut down. I was terrified of failing - all the time and effort I put into changing my life, building my brand, and trying to get my name out there could be for nothing.

As scary as it was, I never gave up. When I think back, that was never even an option. I had a job to do - these brides needed me for their special day, and honestly, I needed them.

The question I continuously get from friends and family is “Are you happy with your career?”

And the honest answer is - I couldn’t be happier. I love what I do. I love getting to meet new people, make connections, and make people look and feel beautiful each day. There’s no better feeling.

So this is so much more than an award to me, it resembles 3 years of tough work, laughter, tears, early mornings, long drives and lots of coffee.

Thank you, to the amazing couples who voted for KO Beauty. It has been an absolute honor working with you and thank you for choosing me to be a small piece of your special day! I will forever be grateful.

Now, who’s ready for the 2022 wedding season?!


emo 2000’s